Our Safety Guidelines


Safety Guidelines


What are We Doing?

We know there are differing opinions on the whole Covid19 situation. We also know this disease has taken friends and family that would have had additional time if not for the complications of this virus. And there is still much about it that is being learned from the experiences with the virus.

While we strive to trust the Lord for every aspect of our lives, we don't do so recklessly. We are not to test the Lord. We are to care for and protect those who are vulnerable.

As changes progress in our area in infections, vaccinations, statistics, and as we continue to learn more about it, we will make changes in how we gather. The demographics of our congregation play substantially in our determinations.

Please do not allow the circumstances prevent you from reaching out with your spiritual needs. If you need to talk with Pastor Deb, please contact her.

If the health situations are such that you cannot join in-person, Sunday worship is available live on-line via Zoom. The sermons are also available to watch anytime.

Freedom Community Church is open for in-person worship services, including our Sunday mornings, Tuesdays and Thursdays morning personal time, and the Freedom Food Pantry.

Sunday worship is also available on-line live, or to watch later.

In-person study groups are being held.

The following guidelines are in place for all persons entering the church building:

  • Fully Covid Vaccinated (last shot plus 2 weeks) persons may greatly reduce or eliminate mask usage.

  • Anyone not yet fully vaccinated, within six feet of others for more than momentary instances, should properly wear a mask to reduce breath vapor transmission. Talking and singing increases the exhalation of (potentially virus bearing) vapors. The higher your volume, and the longer you go increases amount of vapors, increasing the need for you to wear a mask to contain them. Masks should be surgical, N95, or multi-layered cloth. Properly worn means covering your mouth and nose, tight-fitting around the edges. In quite times, and with increased distancing, the need for masks is reduced.

  • "Social Distancing" should be practiced by those not yet fully vaccinated. The general distancing to be maintained is six feet between other people or pods. {"Pods" are groups of people who are regularly in close contact with each other, such as immediate family or household. Being in the same car for more than ten minutes in a single day places you in a pod with each other. Those in a pod may be close to others in their pod while in the church.} We may, as appropriate for safe spacing, expand worship seating to the Fellowship Room.

  • If you have an occasional sneeze or cough, take extra precautions to cover them with a mask, a cloth or tissue or your elbow. Please properly wash your hands as soon as possible, or use hand sanitizer.

  • If you are ill, with anything that may be communicable; fever, nasal cold, flu symptoms, Covid symptoms, etc., then please do not enter the building or come into close contact with others. But DO let us know you are ill, so that we may support you with prayer and help in providing your needs. Self-isolate and contact your doctor. Keep track of people with who you come into close contact.

  • Should you find you have become infected with Covid, supply the health department with a list of anyone with you have had close contact.